His father urged him to become a lawyer, but he

accepted the

position of secretary to Domenico Capranica,

Bishop of Fermo,

and went with him to the council of Basel.

He stayed there for several years(1431-35),

changing masters

whenever he

 could improve his position. As secretary of the

Bishop of

Novara he became

engaged in a conspiracy against Pope Eugenius

IV. He was

later employed as

 secretary of Cardinal Nicholas Albergati        

(d.1443) at the

congress of Arras, where

 peace was made between France and

Burgandy. After that he

took a long journey

 to Scotland and England, on a secret

diplomatic mission. He

had numerous

adventures, and in one of them he nearly lost

his life. By 1436

he was back at

 Basel, and although a layman, he obtained a

seat in the

council and exercised considerable influence. 


My sources include: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/27/56013761_9d6de66fe8.jpg?v=0



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